Help and Documentation


General questions on Open Data


What is the re-use of public sector information?

Re-use of public sector information is the use by natural or legal persons of information generated by public sector entities, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Re-use of public information involves activities such as copying, disseminating, modifying, adapting, extracting, rearranging and combining information.


What is open data?

Open data is any data that is freely available for anyone to use, reuse and redistribute with the only limitation, if relevant, being the need to attribute it to its source or acknowledge its authorship. Open data should be freely available to everyone without restriction by copyright, patents or other control mechanisms.


Why re-use public data?

The re-use of public sector information facilitates the development of new products, services and solutions of high socio-economic value. Likewise, the re-use of public data allows the knowledge and direct benefits derived from the activity of public administrations to revert to society under conditions of transparency. In this way, re-use contributes to improving the reliability and security of the data managed by public administrations, as well as contributing to a closer and more efficient design of public services.


Why the web portal?

The construction of the open data web portal within the initiative "There’s an Ourense for you. Discover it" seeks to build an Open Data Portal to publish and facilitate access and reuse of the information generated in this project. This portal publishes and makes available to all the existing information, using open standard formats, facilitating access and downloading and allowing its reuse by both individuals and companies and organisations.


What sections does it offer?

The portal constitutes a unique access point and meeting point between the different agents reusing the information generated in the initiative "There’s an Ourense for you. Discover it". In addition to the catalogue of open datasets, the portal offers news, ideas, suggestions and documentation (regulations, technical guides, etc.) related to the open data initiative.

The applications section contains different applications that make use of the data published on the portal. The Open Data Portal also allows everyone to participate in the municipal initiative to open data from the "Citizen Collaboration" section


How to find information? Users to find the desired information in different ways. The portal is organised in thematic sections according to the thematic categories defined in the Technical Interoperability Standard. Each of the sections of the portal incorporates its own search engine by free text, filters and options to sort the results obtained by different criteria. Additionally, in the data catalogue section, there is always an option available to search for the desired information on the data catalogue.


How do I access the portal's data catalogue?

Access to the portal's complete data catalogue can be found in the "Data" section of the main menu bar


What to do in case of incidents or questions?

The "Citizen collaboration" section has been created with the intention of collecting the opinion of all users. If you have any incident or question you can send them through the contact form that you can find in the "Citizen collaboration" section. These contributions, open to the participation of all users, are essential to improve the service and offer increasingly higher quality and useful resources.


Data Catalogue


What resources does the Catalogue offer?

Currently, the Open Data Portal gives access through "Data" to multiple municipal datasets. The portal’s data catalogue contains information of different categories: tourism, culture, commerce, etc., according to the categorisation defined in the Technical Interoperability Standard.


What is a Dataset?

A dataset is, as the name implies, a series of data linked together and grouped within a single information system for potential reuse


How to add or modify a dataset?

The management and administration of the data catalogue and its datasets is carried out by the Administration participating in the Initiative (the Diputación de Ourense). To propose a modification of a dataset or the creation of a new dataset, it is necessary to access the "Citizen Collaboration" section and send the proposal. The proposals received will be analysed for their possible incorporation into the data catalogue in order to improve and expand it.


In what formats are the data published?

The publication of data is always done in a wide variety of formats if the nature of the information allows it. The aim is to broaden the possibilities for data re-use. Not all datasets are published in the same formats. To consult the formats in which a particular dataset is published, it is necessary to access that dataset on the portal