The Provincial Council of Ourense is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices, transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
This accessibility statement applies to the broadcasting web portal (URLs types
1. Compliance status
This website is fully accessible, in accordance with RD 1112/2018 of 7 September, due to the exceptions and non-compliance of the aspects listed below.
2. Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on xx/xx/2022 and is based on self-assessment carried out by the Provincial Council of Ourense
The last revision date was xx/xx/2022.
3. Observations and contact details
- By submitting an application at the Electronic Headquarters of the Provincial Council of Ourense
- At the citizen service offices.
- By phone, calling 983 31 75 00.
- In person: By submitting an application at the General Registry of the Provincial Council of Ourense.
Communications will be received and processed by the Municipal Computer Service of the Provincial Council of Ourense.
4. Implementation procedure
You can initiate a complaint when, after having contacted the Provincial Council of Ourense regarding the accessibility of this website, you do not agree with the decision taken.
You can file a complaint:
- By submitting an application at the Electronic Headquarters of the Provincial Council of Ourense.
- In person: submitting an application at the General Registry of the Provincial Council of Ourense
Communications will be received and processed by the IT Service of the Diputación de Ourense.
5. Optional content
What is web accessibility?
Web accessibility refers to the possibility of access to the web and its contents by all people, regardless of the disabilities (physical, intellectual or technical) that they may have or those derived from the context of use (technological or environmental).
When websites are designed with accessibility in mind, content can be accessed equally by all people, for example:
- Providing alternative text to images so that blind or visually impaired people can use special readers
- Using simple language in writing and illustrations to overcome learning difficulties.
Compatibility with standards and visual design
All the pages of this website follow the Accessibility Guidelines or General Principles of Accessible Design established by the WAI Working Group belonging to the W3C.
The visual design has been made under the W3C recommendation on Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 (CSS3). If the browser or browsing device does not support style sheets, the content of the website remains fully legible due to its structural markup.
Tools to facilitate the reading of information
A default zoom on the displayed pages can be set in the browsers’ configuration options.
In most browsers, you can change the size of all the page’s contents using the following key combinations:
- CTRL+ : Allows you to increase the contents’ size.
- CTRL- : Allows you to reduce the contents’ size.
Additional tools
In some cases, a variety of files and forms are made available to users in PDF format.
It is necessary to have software able to display them. If you do not have any on your system, follow the instructions below:
- Download Adobe Reader of charge from the Adobe website.
- Once downloaded, proceed to install the software by following the simple instructions displayed.
- Once the installation is complete, any file with a .pdf extension can be viewed.